Many thanks for your interest in the LimeTree Programs.
There are no planned LimeTree Camps in 2024.
For the past 6 years, we have been running the LimeTree Camps with much passion. Our vision has been to inspire children and families to make healthy and sustainable food choices, increase their awareness of different food cultures and motivate them for a physically active lifestyle.
We are proud and grateful this vision has been embraced enthusiastically by so many!
Starting in 2024, we have decided to explore new paths.
We would like to thank everyone involved for their commitment and the trust they have placed in us over the past years!
Your LimeTree Team
LimeTree Camp and LimeTree@Schule are project weeks for children ages 9 – 12. They combine learning and awareness about healthy and sustainable nutrition, with cooking, sports and nature.
For a week, we travel with children the world of food and sports. We explore with science-based experiments and group work the role food plays in our
health and the environment.
Children will learn about different eating cultures, cook delicious and varied meals with professional chefs from the restaurant tibits and do sports in the LimeTree Camp from selected countries
in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.
LimeTree Camp in TeleZüri CheckUp-Gesundheitsmagazin, 20. August 2018
LimeTree Camp is a vacation experience for children aged 9-12. It combines awareness and learning about nutrition, health and sustainability with cooking and movement.
A wonderful article about LimeTree Camp in the
Swiss Family Blog DieAngelones, August 21, 2019
"We wanted to tell you for a while about LimeTree Camp, a vacation experience for
children ages 9 – 12, which our son attended last year. For a week, he took an exciting journey around the world of eating and learned a lot about healthy food and the origins of our food . . . "
Continue reading (in German):
In partnership with restaurant tibits
Our food choices and food preparation methods have a significant impact on our bodies and the world. What we eat and how we eat not only influence our health and well-being, but also affect the environment's biodiversity, food waste and CO2 emissions.
Healthy and sustainable nutrition is whenever possible, seasonal and regional, and includes plenty of plant-based and whole-grain foods.
Balanced nutrition from well-prepared, nutrient-rich meals, made with fresh ingredients, is the basis of good health. Healthy eating habits -- daily choosing foods and drinks smartly -- form a cornerstone already set in childhood. Micronutrients such as vitamins, trace elements and fibers are essential parts of healthy nutrition. To feel fully balanced, our bodies also need movement and relaxation.
Our food system is global. Increasingly more of our natural resources are used to produce, process and distribute food. In Switzerland and Europe food production alone causes about 30% of all CO2 emissions. Sustainable food choices can significantly contribute to decreasing environmental damage and climate change.
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